Công ty trách nhiệm hữu hạn Dwell Realty Việt Nam
Thông tin về công ty
Dwell is made up of a group of young people working in a Fortune 500 real estate company. Vietnam’s economy is developing rapidly and there are strong changes to the real estate market. With long-term experience in the real estate field, we are committed to screening real estate projects with the highest investment value, helping customers to carry out in-depth projects, legal and tax checks. With advanced management experience combined with the local situation to find a reasonable solution and bring the most comfort and investment efficiency to customers.@In addition to speaking Chinese, our sales team can also speak Vietnamese, English, Cantonese and Korean. In addition to the mainland China market, we can sell in other markets such as Vietnam, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore and Chinese and Korean customers living around the world.@Dwell cooperates with more than 100 distribution agent channels, in addition to agency channels during the pandemic, we built a communication channel on the social networking platform. There are now more than 30,000 fans online across all platforms and it is still expanding. This facilitates direct customer development and promotion of the company’s projects. We have been interviewed by Vietnamese TV stations, Chinese new media, and made a certain amount of influence.